Tuesday, June 2, 2020

1 Percent of Humboldt County Coronavirus Tests Show Antibodies, Times-Standard Reports

Posted By on Tue, Jun 2, 2020 at 3:27 PM

click to enlarge Humboldt County Public Health Laboratory staff Paula Moon (left) and Alyssa McCloud catalog incoming tests. - PUBLIC HEALTH
  • Public Health
  • Humboldt County Public Health Laboratory staff Paula Moon (left) and Alyssa McCloud catalog incoming tests.
The Times-Standard is reporting that 1 percent of Humboldt County COVID-19 tests are showing antibodies.

"The test results are from a sample size of 1,000 non-random residents, many of them from the same geographic area of the county. As a result, the early statistics are not perfect, health officer Dr. Teresa Frankovich said at a board of supervisors meeting," the article states.

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