Wednesday, April 15, 2020

'From Me to You:' An Expression of Gratitude from Eureka's Mayor (VIDEO)

Posted By on Wed, Apr 15, 2020 at 9:25 AM

Eureka Mayor Susan Seaman issued a public service announcement today offering a "heartfelt thank you" to the essential workers continuing to serve the community in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic and ensuing shelter-in-place order.

Find a video f the PSA and a transcript copied below:


Hello, I’m Mayor Susan Seaman.

All of us at the City of Eureka are focused on supporting the health and well-being of our citizens, community, and local economy as we manage the various events and circumstances that are unfolding related to COVID-19.

Today, I want to take a brief moment to say thank you to all of those “essential workers” who are continuing to serve our community during these challenging times.

Our doctors, nurses, and medical staff are at the frontline of the health crisis. They’re working long hours, away from their families, and are risking exposure while doing everything they can to keep our community safe. From me to you, and on behalf of our entire community...a heartfelt thank you.

Our first responders, including our police, fire, and emergency services, are working as hard as ever and actively educating community members on how to safely shelter-in-place. From me to you, and on behalf of our entire community...thank you.

Our grocery clerks, delivery drivers, restaurant workers, and local farmers are all working to provide food and drink to our community, despite challenging disruptions, their efforts are keeping us all fed and supplied with the materials we need to shelter in place. From me to you, and on behalf of our entire community...thank you.

To the utility workers, electricians, plumbers, exterminators, and all those who are helping keep essential operations going for both our businesses and our residents - the work you do is foundational for our community. From me to you, and on behalf of our entire community...thank you.

To those providing responsible journalism and media services, you’re a lifeline for so many of us and the timely and relevant information you collect and distribute is helping us all weather this storm more effectively. From me to you, and on behalf of our entire community...thank you.

To our banks, hardware stores, post offices, delivery services, and professional advisors. Your steady presence and reliability have provided much needed structure in an otherwise unprecedented and at time chaotic moment. From me to you, and on behalf of our entire community...thank you.

To everyone that is now offering remote work, thank you for getting creative and absorbing additional costs and managerial duties to keep our community safe. Thank you.

To our schools and childcare providers, and other citizens who have shifted their lives and livelihoods to a what is, for many, a new virtual world, thank you. Your willingness to flex and to lead has made us all a bit safer.

And, to our whole community, who is coming together to work through new challenges daily, I want you to know that I see you, and I appreciate all that you are doing.

Let’s keep working together, because together, we’ll get through this.
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Thadeus Greenson

Thadeus Greenson is the news editor of the North Coast Journal.

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