Monday, August 14, 2017

Booklegger Recalls Eclipse Glasses

Posted By on Mon, Aug 14, 2017 at 12:23 PM

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Booklegger is asking customers who purchased solar eclipse glasses from the Old Town Eureka bookstore to return them for a full refund after finding out the glasses may not be from a certified manufacturer.

In a recall notice sent out today, the store’s owners say they were notified of the possibility by Amazon on Aug. 12, even though the glasses had been advertised as ISO Certified.

“Amazon has urged people to not use these glasses to view the eclipse,” the notice reads. “Booklegger immediately pulled all eclipse glasses from their shelf.”

The news comes as the nation gears up for the total eclipse of the sun on Aug. 21 — with Humboldt County situated to receive 87 percent coverage at the height of the celestial event.

NASA’s website has safety tips for proper watching and the American Astronomical Society has a list of verified manufacturers of eclipse glasses and viewers that can be found here.

Read the Journal’s Aug. 9 blog post on the eclipse here to find out more about what you can expect on the North Coast when morning briefly turns to twilight later this month.

Recall notice from Booklegger:
On August 12th, Amazon notified Booklegger, a bookstore in Old Town Eureka, that a particular lot of glasses purchased by them should not be used for viewing the eclipse. The lot is described as: Solar Eclipse Glasses - Eclipse Viewing Glasses 2017 CE and ISO Certified Safe Shades for Direct Sun Viewing. Although the glasses were advertised as being ISO Certified, and this certification was printed on the glasses, Amazon stated that it has been unable to confirm from its supplier that the glasses were purchased from a recommended manufacturer. Amazon has urged people to not use these glasses to view the eclipse. Booklegger immediately pulled all eclipse glasses from their shelf.
Eleven sets of eclipse glasses were sold at Booklegger between July 31 and August 11. Booklegger requests that anyone who purchased eclipse glasses from them to please return them for a full refund. Booklegger deeply regrets the inconvenience caused to its customers.
Booklegger is located at 402 Second Street, corner of E Street in Old Town. Hours are 10am – 5:30pm Mon-Sat, and 11am-4pm Sunday. Phone 707-445-1344.

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Kimberly Wear

Kimberly Wear is the assistant editor of the North Coast Journal.

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