Sunday, May 31, 2009

Sunshine Photo Contest

Posted By on Sun, May 31, 2009 at 12:54 PM

sunshine Humboldt logo

You've heard about Sunshine for Humboldt , the "non-profit civic association" that "celebrates the people and places that make our county a good place to live." Heraldo took note of their website a few weeks back and if you listen to KINS, you may have heard their radio spots.

Now it seems they'd like some photos to brighten their website so they're sponsoring a photo contest for county residents. They say they're looking for images "that best show Humboldt scenes that remind everyone why this is such a good place to live. You choose the scene. Just make sure there's sunshine."

Winning entries will be posted to the SfH web site and "also displayed at various places around the county" according to Sunshine for Humboldt spokesman Peter Hannaford , who added, “We're looking for photos that exemplify the Humboldt lifestyle.”

Does the name ring a bell? Among other things, Hannaford is responsible for those Eureka Reporter editorial pages run by the Times Standard twice a week.

Today PH takes on what he sees as abuse of the Headwaters Fund and, as an aside,  takes a quick jab at President Obama, quoting a couple of "letters-to-the-editors writers" who don't like it that Men's Journal dubbed Prez-O "Jock in Chief."

Commentary posted on the Sunshine website mirrors today's Headwaters opinion. In short, they don't think county agencies should get HF grant funding . Otherwise the Sunshiners put forward your basic pro-growth line:

They figure "to preserve our way of life with good stores, services and cultural activities, we need an economy that’s growing at a moderate but steady rate... Though some folks think we can preserve our Humboldt lifestyles by preventing growth, they’re mistaken. In a community’s economic life it’s impossible to stand still."

They predictably like the Richardson's Grove project. In general, they don't care for the General Plan, noting: "If you're a property owner (or would like to be one), ask yourself this question: Do you want to make decisions about your land, or do you want a bureaucrat to make them for you?" (If we must have one, they definitely don't like Plan A.)

They also don't seem to like the Marine Life Protection Act, or "the federal government's so-called stimulus program" which they figure, "may bring a mix of economic sunshine and clouds," since, "much of the money the county hopes to receive will go to programs which, while worthy, will not stimulate the economy. Such things as food stamps, subsidized employment for needy families and increased federal payment for mental health services." Even using stimulus bucks to fund police is problematic in their minds because, "when that runs out, how will the county pay for the deputies?"

So, do you have a photo that reflects the Sunshine P.O.V.? Send it to Peter and you might win dinner at Avalon or as they note in their press release (sic): "Second price is a gift certificate at The Spa at Personal Choie. Third prize is three bottles of made-in-Humboldt wine."

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Bob Doran

Bob Doran

Freelance photographer and writer, Arts and Entertainment editor from 1997 to 2013.

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