Friday, March 21, 2008

Phil Crandall's Finest

Posted By on Fri, Mar 21, 2008 at 10:59 AM

There's been some clamoring of late for the Journal to publish its letters online. Folks, it's coming. Trust me, it's coming.

In the meantime, we'll give you a taste of how it'll work by posting a letter we received about this week's issue. Enjoy!


In Hank Sims' "Town Dandy" column of March 20, the self-righteous Sims cast aspersions against Humboldt County's Department of Health and Human Services.

With his inane comments, comparing DHHS to a totalitarian communist North Korean regime, Hank Sims betrays his "poor understanding of the law." For your review, Hank, I have enclosed information regarding the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 -- otherwise known by its acronym, HIPAA.

I am not an official spokesperson for DHHS, but as a long-time employee I feel that it is my duty to set the record straight. Privacy regarding health care is a major concern for our clients, and they most definitely do not want government employees giving out their personal information to "journalists" like yourself, Mr. Sims.

The real question I would like to see answered in the pages of the North Coast Journal is -- why is conservative Frank Jager and his County Coroner's Office so ready and willing to provide your publication with information? It couldn't possibly have anything to do with Mr. Jager's impending run for the Eureka City Council and his desire to get on your good side, could it, Hank?

Jake Pickering, Eureka

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