Monday, August 14, 2023

Music Tonight: Monday, Aug. 14

Posted By on Mon, Aug 14, 2023 at 4:00 AM

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Okie dokie, another installment of Metal Monday over at Savage Henry Comedy Club and this one is crammed with bands. I am told by promoter Eric that there will be a “vs.” quality to the 7 p.m. show, which seems to boil down to alternating bands setting up and performing on either the stage or the floor, a format that really takes me back to my younger punk and metal days. The groups in question are Image Pit, Psyborg, Grug, Human Soup Hot Tub, Gorganizer, Echoes of Ruination, Sarcophilus Satanicus and Racket ($2-$5 sliding scale). Try saying that three times with a mouthful of the name of the fourth band! Now pardon me, I have to go brush my teeth for an afternoon.
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Collin Yeo

Collin Yeo

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