Monday, May 15, 2023

Ding! It's Round 2, The Best of Humboldt Voting Round

Vote for the GOATs now through June 30th

Posted on Mon, May 15, 2023 at 9:33 AM

click image ballot-mainheader-23.jpg

We know you're a champ.

But do you have what it takes to beat the competition? Cue the Rocky theme song, dig deep, and find out if you've got what it takes to be the GOAT!

Round II, Vote! June 4 - June 30
Winners: Published in the Aug. 3 edition

Go to to vote once per day from June 4-30.

Did you make it to the playoffs for the Best of Humboldt? The title is within reach, but you need votes to win! Campaigning is still the most effective way to get votes. Get your friends, family and customers to vote for you. Send newsletters, post on social media, hang posters in your storefront, offer perks to customers who help you campaign. Tag your posts with #ncjboh23. Speaking of posters and social media, here's a whole bunch of goodies to get you started!

The most effective way to campaign for votes is to engage your supporters. Get your team — friends, family and loyal customers — to vote for you. Send newsletters, post on social media, hang posters in your storefront, offer perks to customers who help you campaign. Tag your posts with #ncjboh23.

Speaking of which, here's a whole bunch of campaign posters and social media art for you to download:

You can also advertise on the nomination ballot and in print in the North Coast Journal! Email [email protected] to find out more.

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