Sunday, March 10, 2019

Music Tonight: Sunday, March 10

Posted By on Sun, Mar 10, 2019 at 4:00 AM

click to enlarge Clean Girl and the Dirty Dishes - PHOTO BY LISKEN ROSSI
  • Photo by Lisken Rossi
  • Clean Girl and the Dirty Dishes

Trends come and go in the music world like the fair and gossamer wings of butterflies twirling in elegant sun-stoked circles in a bid to outdance but never quite outrun the agents of decay in this swirling world. One such trend with which I am not so enamored by is the contemporary habit of removing the vowels out of a band's name, making the result look like a slur or harsh sexual slang from a personalized license plate that slipped through the radar at the DMV. Two of these groups play the Outer Space tonight. The music is good, so I highly suggest coming to the show to figure out what the names are all about.

NRVS LVRS hails from San Francisco and plays a chaotic pop that is expressed and consumed entirely through the "longing" synapses of the romantic brain, while J GRGRY from Seattle is a solo songwriter with grand glam ambitions. The sensibly named local act Clean Girl and the Dirty Dishes starts the whole thing off at 7 p.m. ($6-$20 sliding scale).

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Collin Yeo

Collin Yeo

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