Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Huffman Feels the Bern, But Endorses Clinton

Posted By on Wed, Oct 28, 2015 at 3:33 PM

  • Huffman
North Coast Congressman Jared Huffman announced this morning that he "feels the Bern," but is endorsing Hillary Clinton in her bid to become the country's next president because he feels she has a better chance to beat the "terrible GOP candidates" and trigger a Democratic wave that wins back both the House and the Senate.

In a post to his personal Facebook page, Huffman explained that he appreciates Democratic challenger Bernie Sanders' "positive, authentic, progressive message and especially his relentless focus on addressing income inequality and fixing an economy that is rigged against the middle class." But the congressman said he's also been very impressed with former Secretary of State and Senator Hillary Clinton and the "strong positions" she's take in recent months on trade, climate change, environmental protection and gun violence, adding that she is "uniquely qualified to be president."

"Considering the terrible GOP candidates, the imperative of winning in this very consequential election cycle, and the opportunity to create a wave election in 2016 that returns both the Senate and the House to Democrats, I believe Hillary is our best candidate," Huffman wrote, adding that he's giving Clinton his endorsement and pledging his support as a "super delegate" to her at the Democratic convention in Philadelphia next July.

See Huffman's full Facebook post copied below:

To my friends who have been urging me to endorse Bernie Sanders for President, and to those who have urged an endorsement of Hillary Clinton, I have an announcement.

I like Bernie very much and definitely "feel the Bern" in terms of his positive, authentic, progressive message and especially his relentless focus on addressing income inequality and fixing an economy that is rigged against the middle class. His candidacy is a very good thing for our country and he has already impacted the race in positive ways. Plus, I enjoyed travelling with Bernie and his wonderful wife Jane to Chile last year on a "co-del" focused on human rights.

I'm also very impressed with Secretary Clinton, especially the strong positions she's taken over the past couple of months on trade, climate, environmental protection, and gun violence. She is uniquely qualified to be President, and her very strong performance in the debate and the sham Benghazi hearing reassures me that her candidacy is only gaining strength. And, as a bonus, I think our country would benefit from electing a qualified woman at long last to be our President.

Considering the terrible GOP candidates, the imperative of winning in this very consequential election cycle, and the opportunity to create a wave election in 2016 that returns both the Senate and the House to Democrats, I believe Hillary is our best candidate.

For that reason, and with lots of respect for Bernie, I am endorsing Hillary Clinton and pledging my support as a "Super Delegate" to her at the Democratic convention. I wanted those who are interested in this to know of my decision and my reasoning.

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Thadeus Greenson

Thadeus Greenson is the news editor of the North Coast Journal.

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